40, Fabulous and Unapologetically Herself

First and foremost help me wish my gorgeous sister, business partner and secret keeper a Happy 40th Birthday!!

Mandy, you have been doing life for 4 decades and have been inspiring me for at least 3 of them. I could go on for hours about all the memories. Some we are proud of and others well... not so much. We have lived and learned some hard lessons. We have shared dreams (in more than one way) for as long as I can remember and have one of the most beautiful spiritual ties I have ever formed with another human. I have never had a doubt that God knew what he was doing when He made us sisters. HE HAD A PLAN!!!!

I don't want to get too mushy because that is for another time BUT I want to say that over the years watching your trials and triumphs I have seen you grow into an amazing woman with an abundance of wisdom. Wisdom that I know is earned and only poured into others out of pure love. I have watched you come from a place of needing to please everyone to finally getting around to doing more of what makes Mandy happy. I see you saying "No" more, not to hurt anyone's feeling but to take time to feel yourself. I see you chasing your dreams. I see that you are stepping out on faith and ready for whatever God has planned next. I see you taking time to stop and smell the roses, exploring the places that have been under our noses our entire lives and doing things to make your life more adventurous.

I just want you to know that I love THIS YOU! The 40 year old sister that has been through some real shit and has a story to tell. The you that is not going to apologize for being exactly who God intended you to be! The YOU that might be learning to figure out herself but has spent 4 decades pleasing others! Please keep doing the things that make you happy because your happiness is contagious and I know the ones who love you Love seeing you HAPPY!

Happy 40th Birthday Sister!!

Love you!!